A new cutting-edge building!


To adapt the evolution and the reality of the job, the Institut de Genech developed a new cutting-edge and very modern entity for animal production. The new barn can contain around 60 cows and it is very innovative (automated milking, smart doors, soils levels…). This building has been created to isolate a group of animals to examine them, with a classroom and an optimized zone of observation.


An educational tool


The goal is to facilitate the students’ participation in practical works and obligations. They manage the feeding, milking, treatments and animals’ monitoring. Equipment is adapted and observation zones allow to analyze in good conditions, whether it be the daily animals’ behavior or during interventions.


Dairy farming is supervised by technicians but also works on a daily basis thanks to the students. Each night, week-end or day-off, some students are in charge of feeding animals and keep a close eye on them (cow or sheep). Consequently, they are much more confronted to the reality of the actual job.


Some figures:


  • 50 cows
  • 336,000 liters of milk sold
  • 13,000 liters delivered to the Institut’s kitchen
  • 50 ewes
  • 59 hectares of agricultural area
  • 18 hectares of cereals
  • 18 hectares of corns
  • 5 hectares of sugar beets
  • 18 hectares of meadows